Supporting Frontline Responders and the People they Serve

Welcome to the Behavioral Health Crisis Outreach Response and Education Center

We are here for you.

BHCore is a new center dedicated to the firefighters, emergency medical providers, law enforcement officers, co-responders, and other frontline workers who answer behavioral health calls. Emergency services are a critical part of the behavioral health care system. We are here to strengthen programs and support the people working with those who need outreach or crisis services.


Funding innovative programs

Creating high quality, innovative programs within the emergency response system is essential to improving the well-being of people with behavioral health issues. To achieve this goal, BHCore is providing innovation grants across the state for new program development at the local and regional levels.


Delivering top-notch training

BHCore training is focused on building skills for frontline workers and others who intervene in behavioral health crises. We offer a training academy, suicide prevention and behavioral health education, plus an annual conference that brings together the family of first responders to discuss, learn, and connect.

Investing in public service careers

With a host of incentives that include conditional scholarships, educational enrichment, and career services, BHCore is assisting a new cadre of individuals dedicated to public service and providing career development support for those already in the field.


Working with policymakers

Decision makers need good data to make good policy. BHCore is a hub for effective evidence-based and emerging best practices in behavioral health interventions and training. We work closely with local and state leaders to share data and inform proposed policies that create important changes in the delivery of behavioral health services.

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